点评:The wife had heard of this venue, I hadn't, so was sceptical when she described it as "a mini Italian village" that i needed to pay £20 for us to see.
As with many things in marriage, she was right, I was wrong.
Feelings of Epcot it's obviously not Italy, it's obviously one man's vision and I personally thought it was a unique find and an excellent experience that I haven't seen anywhere else.
Helped by the sun making an appearance, we walked through and down to the lighthouse, took photos, explored little extras, paid a reasonable £2.50 for a pot of tea and then walked back listening to kids playing in the water feature whilst we explored the shops.
The views across the bay are stunning. The atmosphere is slow, calm and friendly.
The venue is 3 hours from our house, which we would never have driven just for this, but being in the area, I'm so glad we visited. Can imagine it's less appealing if it's raining and you have to get a big family in and fed, but for the wife and I in the sun? Excellent.
翻译:妻子听说过这个场地,而我没有,所以当她把它描述为“一个迷你意大利村庄”时,我持怀疑态度,我需要支付 20 英镑才能参观。
对 Epcot 的感觉显然不是意大利,显然是一个男人的愿景,我个人认为这是一个独特的发现和一次我从未在其他地方见过的绝妙体验。
在阳光的照耀下,我们穿过灯塔,拍了照片,探索了一些额外的东西,花了 2.50 英镑买了一壶茶,然后一边听孩子们在水景中玩耍一边走回去,一边逛商店。
场地距离我们家有 3 小时车程,我们绝不会只为了这个而开车,但既然在附近,我很高兴我们去了那里。可以想象,如果下雨,你不得不带一大家人回家吃饭,那就没那么有吸引力了,但对于我和妻子来说,在阳光下呢?太好了。