点评:The pedestrian street mall known as Rundle Mall was a wonderful stretch for browsing at leisure and picking the things that attracted. The big brands and the boutique shops were competing to entice the visitors while cafes and chocolatiers were offering their signature produce. There were several arcades with shops that were selling luxury brands, some were flagship stores and some were familiar retail outlets. Pedestrian area had interesting art work like the two stainless steel spheres nick named mall’s balls, small but very colourful Rundle mall fountain and the family of pigs enjoying their day out with one peeping into a bin may be with the intention of raiding it. The corner shop of South Australia’s Haigh’s Chocolates had some specialities for us to pick and the Koko Black at Adelaide arcade had a mouthwatering Hot chocolate drink which we relished. It was a place where we did not feel the time pass by and found the precinct to be well kept and clean.
翻译:步行街购物中心被称为 Rundle Mall,是休闲浏览和挑选吸引人的商品的绝佳去处。大品牌和精品店竞相吸引游客,而咖啡馆和巧克力店则提供他们的招牌产品。有几家拱廊里有出售奢侈品牌的商店,有些是旗舰店,有些是熟悉的零售店。步行区有有趣的艺术作品,如两个绰号为商场球的不锈钢球、小巧但色彩缤纷的 Rundle Mall 喷泉和一家猪在外面玩得很开心,其中一只偷看垃圾箱,可能是想抢劫它。南澳大利亚 Haigh’s Chocolates 的街角商店有一些特色产品供我们挑选,阿德莱德拱廊的 Koko Black 有令人垂涎的热巧克力饮料,我们津津有味。这是一个我们感觉不到时间流逝的地方,发现该地区维护得很好,很干净。