点评:There are a wide variety of reviews on this site, and straight up, we saw no evidence of seals caught in the boardwalks, or seal clubbing or of other atrocities that other reviewers have mentioned. But this is not Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge, this is nature in the raw. And we we did see dead seal pups, as you would expect, and we did see a jackal stalking about seeking lunch.
Now that's out of the way, a few practicalities. It's well sign-posted, an hour's drive north of Henties Bay. From there a few kilometres to the gate, where you will need to buy a permit, currently set (for non-Nambians / South Africans). at 150 per person plus 50 for the car. Then a few more ks to the car park next to the memorial cross.
You will immediately be struck by the presence and noise of thousands and thousands of seals! Please respect the set rules, we were appalled by the behaviour of some human visitors, especially the two metre rule. Splitting up a mother and her feeding pup to get that insta-photo is simply not OK!
The boardwalk elevated viewing of the colony and terrific opportunities for photography, including the seals entering or leaving the Ocean.
And let's address the smell. Yes, there is a smell. But we didn't find it that bad to be honest. Maybe because we live in the countryside and have been exposed to farms.
现在这些都解决了,我们来谈谈一些实际问题。这里有很好的路标,距离亨蒂斯湾以北一小时车程。从那里到大门几公里,在那里你需要购买许可证,目前规定(针对非纳米比亚人/南非人)。每人 150 卢比,汽车 50 卢比。然后再走几公里就到了纪念十字架旁边的停车场。