点评:Review Amberley Museum/Heritage Centre, New Barn Road, Amberley BN18 9LT, Sussex.
The weather was benign but cool (and, importantly, dry) for our visit to the Amberley Museum on Saturday at the end of July – we should have been so fortunate given the extent of the area* covered by the exhibits, activities, teaching/information, entertainment and interests. The grounds cover much of the original industrial heritage that once was open quarries which were mined for chalk from the 1840s through to the 1960s. Chalk was quarried for the production of lime – for mortar/cement and agricultural use. The museum is located 6.5 km north of Arundel in the scenically beautiful South Downs and was surrounded by late ripening cereal crops in July.
The contradiction of rural industries and the exploitation of the environment that has taken priority into the modern era no longer applies. The museum is located within the South Downs National Park** with all that this implies for environmental care/continuity.
The museum provides a galaxy of choices for both newcomers and regular visitors - those interested in/familiar with/knowledge of discrete techno-sectors such as ‘Electricity Hall’, ‘BT Connected Earth’, ‘Kiln Design/Use’, ‘Railways’, etc. Others may choose to skim over the complexity of the R&D/design/development of these same sectors representing as they do, the lifetimes typical of those of us who have lived through the bewildering technological changes of recent years.
For example, when did you last use a dial telephone? Do you remember those early cell phones the size of a cornflake box? Have you ever used a twin-tub washing machine? (Do you know what that it is?) Do you remember coffee percolators? Did you ever ride in the C5 electric ‘car’ (for want of a better descriptor) developed by Sir Clive Sinclair in the mid-1980s? When did you last see a wheelwright at work? What about a steam traction engine – at work on a local farm? (Long gone). And so on. The exhibits provide tantalizing glimpse of earlier times by showing you the everyday items/equipment with which you may have grown up.
Purchase your tickets at the entrance and a guide map is provided. This lists the four key focus elements of the museum – 1. Heritage, 2. Transport, 3. Engineering and 4. Crafts/skill/livelihoods. Therein are 50 different/inter-linked sub-categories that are highlighted/shown on the map by index numbers. The different categories/exhibits/activities are scattered across the site, which means working to a plan that may suit your time/interests to save you criss-crossing the pathways in search of similar interests. For example, ‘Transport’ has 13 focus points – railways, buses, road vehicles, bikes, fire station, etc. Therein are also links to ‘Craft’ & ‘Engineering’.
So, for a half-day with kids in tow you’ll need to prioritize. Can’t not take them to the ‘Playground’. Everything else may be beyond them – well, apart from the gelati. You’ll also need to include the ‘Electricity Hall’ given the number of hands-on/push button exhibits available – electricity produced from chemical reaction, magnetism, friction, etc. Sounds daunting? The kids will enjoy the novelty and you’ll learn something that may be new to you.
Then there’s the local transport provided on site. Don’t miss the train ride – narrow gauge, open carriages, slow and winding track with Brockham station at mid-ride.
Next to the station there’s half-dozen signboards and the entrance to a rail tunnel that’s no longer active, but … crucially it was a silver mine in the James Bond movie ‘A View to a Kill’. It dates … wait for it … from 40 years ago! It was Roger Moore’s seventh and final appearance as the legendary 007. No, there’s nothing to see – there’s a gate across the entrance to the tunnel – and you’d have to be a certain age to remember the sensational success of the Bond movies of those times.
The people at the museum came across well - inside and outside the different exhibits - they were friendly, enthusiastic and knowledgeable – ready to talk to you. For example, there was John covering tools, equipment & workshops in Greenwood village (who provided advice re-Grandad’s tools/equipment), Nick working in the HD Steele bike shop (who fixed a puncture on our pushchair) and Hugh (?) in the signal-box who described how the levers/wires/pullies worked to control the trains.
Did I mention the restaurant – immediately to your right as you enter the site– with a large windpump in front of it. We’d carried sandwiches for lunch, but later that afternoon took coffee/muffin at the café seated out front and overlooking the buildings next to the entrance. Fair/reasonable prices across the menu. There was a scattering of classic cars on the green out front – Peugeot 205 GTI, MGB***, Lancia Beta, etc.
Highlights? Everything was a ‘highlight’. The place was sensational for detail, scope, surprise and pleasure. One visit, of course, does little more than wet an appetite, and we hope to return.
Points to note, etc. What about a few more seats/benches scattered around the paths – to provide a break from walking? Further, what about more shelters from sun/rain when the weather may be challenging.
Almost six hours exploring and the place had seemed half-empty for much of the day. How many people were there that day? Two-three hundred in total? The car park was not full. An isolated rural setting. How viable is it? How to boost numbers? Someone will know.
Summary? Complimenti to management, artisans, volunteers, etc. for the highly professional calibre/presentation of this industrial museum. There was surprise/delight around every corner.
Peter Steele
28 July 2024
*The grounds cover 14.6 ha which is equivalent to 36 soccer fields.
** Established 2010 as the UK’s newest national park. It covers >1,600 km2 and stretches 140 km from Winchester along the length of the South Downs to Eastbourne. National parks give environmental priority to the protection of areas of outstanding natural beauty, wildlife, flora and cultural heritage. There is also security for people, communities and livelihoods.
***Last of the original MGBs – rubber bumper model. Ours was ex-Miami and came with three w/screen wipers, LHD steering and a slightly higher suspension cf to the UK model. It was orange. It was also completely rust free.
翻译:查看安伯利博物馆/遗产中心,新谷仓路,安伯利 BN18 9LT,萨塞克斯。
七月底的星期六,我们参观安伯利博物馆时,天气温和但凉爽(而且重要的是干燥)——考虑到展览、活动、教学/信息、娱乐和兴趣爱好所覆盖的区域*,我们应该很幸运。场地覆盖了大部分原始工业遗产,这些遗产曾经是露天采石场,从 19 世纪 40 年代到 20 世纪 60 年代,人们在那里开采白垩。开采白垩是为了生产石灰——用于砂浆/水泥和农业用途。博物馆位于风景秀丽的南唐斯,距阿伦德尔以北 6.5 公里,七月时周围是晚熟的谷物作物。
博物馆为新来者和常客提供了各种各样的选择——那些对“电力大厅”、“BT 连接地球”、“窑炉设计/使用”、“铁路”等离散技术领域感兴趣/熟悉/了解的人。其他人可能会选择略过这些相同领域的研发/设计/开发的复杂性,因为它们代表了我们这些经历了近年来令人眼花缭乱的技术变革的人的典型一生。
例如,你最后一次使用拨号电话是什么时候?你还记得那些玉米片盒大小的早期手机吗?你用过双桶洗衣机吗?(你知道那是什么吗?)你还记得咖啡渗滤器吗?您是否曾乘坐过克莱夫·辛克莱爵士于 20 世纪 80 年代中期开发的 C5 电动“汽车”(找不到更好的词来形容它)?您最后一次看到车轮制造工在工作是什么时候?您见过蒸汽牵引机吗?它在当地农场工作吗?(早已消失)。等等。这些展品通过向您展示您成长过程中可能接触到的日常物品/设备,让您一睹早期的风采。
在入口处购买门票,您将获得一张导游图。地图列出了博物馆的四个主要重点元素 - 1. 遗产、2. 交通、3. 工程和 4. 工艺/技能/生计。其中有 50 个不同的/相互关联的子类别,它们通过索引号在地图上突出显示。不同的类别/展品/活动分散在整个场地,这意味着您可以按照适合您的时间/兴趣的计划进行参观,以免您为了寻找类似的兴趣而四处寻找。例如,“交通”有 13 个重点——铁路、公共汽车、公路车辆、自行车、消防站等。其中还包含“工艺”和“工程”的链接。
然后现场提供当地交通。不要错过火车之旅——窄轨、开放式车厢、缓慢而蜿蜒的轨道,中途有 Brockham 站。
车站旁边有六个招牌和一个不再使用的铁路隧道入口,但……至关重要的是,它是詹姆斯邦德电影《雷霆杀机》中的一座银矿。它的历史……等等……是 40 年前的事了!这是罗杰摩尔第七次也是最后一次以传奇 007 的身份出现。不,没什么可看的——隧道入口处有一扇门——你必须到了一定年龄才能记得当时邦德电影的轰动性成功。
博物馆里的人给人留下了深刻的印象——在不同的展品内部和外部——他们友好、热情、知识渊博——随时准备与你交谈。例如,John 负责 Greenwood 村的工具、设备和车间(他为爷爷的工具/设备提供建议),Nick 在 HD Steele 自行车店工作(他修理了我们婴儿车的爆胎),Hugh (?) 在信号箱里描述了控制火车的杠杆/电线/滑轮的工作原理。
我有没有提到餐厅——进入现场后,就在你右手边——前面有一个大型风泵。我们带了三明治作为午餐,但当天下午晚些时候,我们在前面的咖啡馆喝了咖啡/松饼,俯瞰着入口旁边的建筑物。菜单上的价格公道合理。前面的绿地上散落着一些经典汽车——标致 205 GTI、MGB***、兰旗亚 Beta 等。
2024 年 7 月 28 日
* 场地占地 14.6 公顷,相当于 36 个足球场。
** 2010 年成立,是英国最新的国家公园。它占地超过 1,600 平方公里,从温彻斯特沿着南唐斯绵延 140 公里到伊斯特本。国家公园优先保护自然美景、野生动物、植物和文化遗产。人民、社区和生计也得到保障。
*** 最后的原始 MGB - 橡胶保险杠模型。我们的是迈阿密产的,配有三个带雨刷的车、左侧驾驶转向和比英国型号略高的悬架。它是橙色的。它也完全没有生锈。