点评:The Wine Sensory Garden at Whicher Ridge Wines is unlike anything one usually experiences on an atypical wine tasting visit. Each section of the garden is conceived and arranged to align with the wine varietals Neil and Cathy Howard have nurtured since 2004. Utilizing the senses as the educational vehicle is a brilliant approach, indeed! You're learning about the wine making process in the most hands-on way possible, but you're also enjoying the perfected, finished product. The landscape is strikingly beautiful and the garden's lack of pretense and harmony with the natural surroundings is inspirational. It was an honor and a privilege to share in the Howards' passion for their craft and to meet their sweet cheese-loving dog, Polly. It felt like we were having lunch with old friends.
翻译:Whicher Ridge Wines 的葡萄酒感官花园与人们在非典型品酒之旅中通常体验到的完全不同。花园的每个部分都经过精心设计和布置,以配合 Neil 和 Cathy Howard 自 2004 年以来培育的葡萄酒品种。利用感官作为教育工具确实是一种绝妙的方法!您可以以最实际的方式了解葡萄酒的酿造过程,同时还可以享受完美的成品。风景秀丽,花园朴实无华,与自然环境和谐相处,令人鼓舞。能够分享霍华德夫妇对他们手艺的热情并见到他们可爱的奶酪爱好者 Polly 是一种荣幸和特权。感觉就像我们在和老朋友共进午餐一样。