点评:Fayzulla Khujayev house is the most beautiful one in all Bukhara. It's located in off the beaten track part of town, south from the main tourist area. There's nothing else to see nor do around, so I suggest taking a taxi to get there.
You cannot see the house from the street, but must enter the courtyard paying a few bucks entry fee which is totally worth it.
The most beautiful is the outdoor patio with amazingly rich front facade with ornate artwork and columns. There're few rooms worth walking through and a room explaining history of Mr. Fayzulla. He was a son of wealthy merchant, however supported the October revolution and bolsheviks. After the revolution as a reward he was named President of Bukhara Republic, but continued his lavish life. As this was in contrast to Stalin ideology, in the 30's he was sent to one of Gulags where he ended his life.
最美的是室外露台,正面装饰华丽,有华丽的艺术品和柱子。有几个房间值得一看,还有一个房间介绍了费祖拉先生的历史。他是富商之子,但支持十月革命和布尔什维克。革命后,作为奖励,他被任命为布哈拉共和国总统,但继续过着奢侈的生活。由于这与斯大林的意识形态相反,在 30 年代,他被送往古拉格,在那里结束了自己的生命。