点评:There was only 1 other campsite that had a tent, the rest were all huge RVs. This is important to know because if everyone else has an RV, they’re making a lot more noise slamming doors and compartments and talking louder outside late at night or early in the morning because they assume everyone else has actual walls like them.
Not a whole lot to do here although there are some trails, a small playground for kids and a boat ride for $35/person. The big old oak tree takes about 2 minutes to see including the trail.
Quiet hours are 11pm-7am and both campsites on either side of us did not quiet down until 11pm, despite them seeing that we had little kids. Bathrooms were decent, locked with a code.
Unfortunately at night you hear the traffic of the nearby highway, including loud motorcycles, sirens and cars with loud music. Not peaceful nature sounds. A woman in the campsite next to us was screaming like something out of a horror movie at 11pm when my kids were trying to fall asleep. Someone’s car alarm went off around 8am and it took them way too long to make it stop.
The neighborhoods around this campground are bad. The Villages nearby are nicely maintained but other than that, it’s very rundown.
虽然这里有一些小径、一个供儿童使用的小型游乐场和每人 35 美元的乘船游玩,但这里没有太多可做的事情。包括小径在内,大约需要 2 分钟才能看到那棵古老的大橡树。
安静时间是晚上 11 点到早上 7 点,我们两边的两个露营地直到晚上 11 点才安静下来,尽管他们看到我们有小孩。浴室很不错,用密码锁着。
不幸的是,晚上你会听到附近高速公路的交通声,包括大声的摩托车声、警报声和汽车声以及嘈杂的音乐声。不平静的自然声音。晚上 11 点,当我的孩子们试图入睡时,我们旁边露营地的一个女人像恐怖电影里的东西一样尖叫着。早上 8 点左右,某人的汽车警报响了,他们花了很长时间才让它停止。