点评:Once upon a time, a 1776-era Baskuca family member (meaning one with no house) sought to create a new identity for himself. He sought to obtain 100 homes and would then change his name appropriately. His family made their fortunes and names in naval commerce. His dream did not come to fruition.
Fast-forward to the take-over by the Austro-Hungarian Empire and other uses were devised for this structure. The family had died out by now.
The large entry door was designed to accommodate carriages (even though it does not look that large today) and today it is a hotel (or had been).
The winged lion over the door is part of the family crest. It is badly deteriorated today but the lion does look to have a human face and he wears a helmet. A front leg and back foot are missing and this beautiful coat of arms is badly in need of restoration.
And sadly today, this piece of Kotor history is for sale. It is not open for touring unless one has a big checkbook and is a prospective buyer.
翻译:曾几何时,一位 1776 年的 Baskuca 家庭成员(意思是没有房子的人)试图为自己创造一个新的身份。他寻求获得 100 套房屋,然后适当地更改他的名字。他的家人在海军贸易中发家致富。他的梦想没有实现。