点评:Now that we have returned home, we wanted to let you know how much all of us enjoyed our once-in-a-lifetime experience.
I would like to start by thanking the entire team for an incredible weekend.
The lodge and accommodations are fantastic along with the incredible views from the deck during appy hour.
Thank you to Chef Chris for completely spoiling us with seafood appetizers and the flavorful 3 course meals each night! The diet will start tomorrow… but also, for sharing his tartar sauce recipe and the tips on cooking sous vide!
Thank you to Carey for incredible breakfasts, amazing scratch baking (cinnamon buns not to be forgotten!) and smiling every morning even though it was 5am.
Thank you to Letitia for being bubbly & ever helpful and her fantastic sense of humor that kept us smiling & laughing.
Thank you to Kashes for putting us on to all the amazing fish and even stopping to let me look at the sea otters after fishing all day. An entirely amazing 3-day trip and we couldn’t have asked for better weather.
Thank you to the “dock kids” who were all so friendly, helpful and full of smiles. Such a great group of young men!
Thank you to Adrian for stopping by and taking the time to visit even though he was busy guiding too. We have watched him on episodes of West Coast Journal which was the original draw to the lodge. Graham really appreciated the chance to meet and speak with him.
And finally, sincere thanks directly to you Angie. You are an amazing woman and your passion for the lodge shines through with your hospitable attitude and smiling face. You made us feel welcome immediately upon arrival.
We will recommend Reel Obsessions and hope to come back in the future!
感谢 Chris 厨师每晚用海鲜开胃菜和美味的三道菜让我们大饱口福!减肥计划将于明天开始……还要分享他的塔塔酱食谱和真空低温烹饪技巧!
感谢 Carey 为我们准备了美味的早餐、令人惊叹的烘焙(肉桂卷也不容错过!)以及每天早上的微笑,尽管当时是凌晨 5 点。
感谢 Letitia 的热情和乐于助人,以及她出色的幽默感,让我们一直微笑和大笑。
感谢 Kashes 带我们观赏了所有神奇的鱼,甚至在钓了一整天鱼之后停下来让我看看海獭。这是一次完全令人惊叹的 3 天旅行,天气再好不过了。
感谢 Adrian 的到来,尽管他也忙于导游,但还是抽出时间拜访我们。我们在《西海岸杂志》上看到过他,这也是我们来这家旅馆的最初目的。Graham 非常感激有机会与他见面并交谈。
最后,我要真诚地感谢 Angie。你是一位了不起的女性,你对旅馆的热情从你热情好客的态度和笑脸中可见一斑。我们一到你就感到宾至如归。
我们会推荐 Reel Obsessions,希望将来能再来!