点评:Took bus 333 to the final stop at Bronte Beach and what a surprise it was to me. Lots of green lawn, palm trees, huge Norfolk pines, various seating areas, all leading to a glorious wide beach. Beach is glorious wide beach. It’s a cove, but very very long and at one end is an ocean pool. This is a very cool thing because when it’s high tide, the waves from the ocean break over the edge of the pool so you get salt spray and maybe drenched. There are various sets of steps into the pool. I got there at 9:30 and the local swim club was doing some adult races and training so a portion of the pool had lane dividers for them but there was plenty of pool available for everyone else. All along the ocean edge of the pool was a ledge, maybe 4 feet below water, so you could stand on the ledge and look out at the ocean or put your back to the ocean and look at the other swimmers and the very cool sculpted sandstone cliffs on the other side. When I got there I asked a lifeguard if it was safe to leave my stuff and she said definitely no problem; then I asked an older lady who was going into swim with her goggles and bathing cap and she said definitely it’s fine - just find a spot near the rocks, it’s very safe (which it was). Everyone is doing the same thing.
I dog paddled, breast stroked, treaded water and just hung out on the side, absorbing the ocean and everything. It was my best experience in Sydney.
翻译:乘坐 333 路公交车到达终点站 Bronte Beach,这真是一个惊喜。很多绿色草坪、棕榈树、巨大的诺福克松树、各种座位区,所有这些都通向一片壮丽的宽阔海滩。海滩是壮丽的宽阔海滩。这是一个海湾,但非常非常长,一端是一个海洋游泳池。这很酷,因为涨潮时,海浪会冲过游泳池的边缘,所以你会被海水溅到,甚至全身湿透。游泳池有几组台阶。我 9:30 到达那里,当地游泳俱乐部正在举办一些成人比赛和训练,所以游泳池的一部分有分道器供他们使用,但其他人有足够的游泳池可用。沿着游泳池的海洋边缘有一个壁架,大概在水下 4 英尺处,所以你可以站在壁架上眺望大海,或者背对着大海,看看其他游泳者和另一边非常酷的雕刻砂岩悬崖。当我到达那里时,我问救生员是否可以安全地放下我的东西,她说绝对没问题;然后我问了一位戴着泳镜和泳帽去游泳的老太太,她说绝对没问题——只要在岩石附近找个地方,就很安全(确实如此)。每个人都在做同样的事情。