点评:We'd long aimed to visit Carnarvon Gorge and in July wr finally made it. Unfortunately, a medical issue meant we could only walk in the park for one day, but what a day it was. We walked up the 'spine' of the main track as fas as the Art Gallery and taking in the Amphitheatre and the Moss Garden (unfortunately track to Wards Canyon was closed when we visited). While our entire bushwalk was memorable in so many ways, both the Art Gallery and the Amphitheatre stood out as outstanding sites and simply not to be missed. I have never before seen Aboriginal cave art of the quality as that at the Art Gallery and the Amphitheatre was an extraordinary natural feature, completely unlike anything I'd previously seen. I was in awe at both of these locations. Just can't wait to return. Our only disappointment on the day was that we didn't see a platypus.
翻译:我们一直想去卡那封峡谷,终于在 7 月如愿以偿。不幸的是,由于身体原因,我们只能在公园里散步一天,但这一天真是太棒了。我们沿着主干道的“脊柱”一直走到艺术画廊,参观了露天剧场和苔藓花园(不幸的是,我们去的时候通往沃兹峡谷的路已经关闭了)。虽然我们的整个丛林徒步之旅在很多方面都令人难忘,但艺术画廊和露天剧场都是非常出色的景点,绝对不容错过。我从未见过艺术画廊和露天剧场如此高质量的原住民洞穴艺术,这是一个非凡的自然景观,与我之前见过的任何东西都完全不同。我对这两个地方都感到敬畏。迫不及待地想再去一次。我们当天唯一的遗憾是没有看到鸭嘴兽。