点评:I love this theater but where are my tickets? This is the second time I have ordered tickets for an event and they have simply failed to show. I go through my mail carefully and don't think I missed them twice while looking for them. 30 minutes of my time spent trying to get in Customer Service que, and then I received a snippy reply that I should not expect them to mail them again, even thought I had not requested that. New charge for on call--waived this time. But basically I have to send the people I gave the tickets as a gift to with my credit card. Tried to contact the Majestic about the situation, but online took me to a City of Dallas contact page, which actually did not have a selection that would allow me to contact anyone (no phone/no email/no chat)--the page just said "Contact". Typical City of Dallas operation.
翻译:我喜欢这个剧院,但我的票在哪里?这是我第二次订购活动门票,但他们根本没有出示。我仔细查看我的邮件,不认为我在寻找它们时错过了它们两次。我花了 30 分钟的时间试图进入客户服务队列,然后我收到了一个尖锐的答复,我不应该期望他们再次邮寄给他们,即使我没有要求过。随叫随到的新费用--这次免除。但基本上我必须用我的信用卡将门票作为礼物送给那些人。试图联系 Majestic 了解情况,但在线将我带到了达拉斯市的联系页面,该页面实际上没有允许我联系任何人的选项(没有电话/没有电子邮件/没有聊天)——该页面只是说“联系”。典型的达拉斯市运营。