点评:Located on the A10/Lyell Highway between Derwent Bridge and Queenstown, very easy to access as clearly signposted with a large easy access area of parking adjacent to the highway.
Donaghy's Hill/Lookout is one of Tassies official '60 Great Short Walks'.
Track from off the car park is a wide well compacted track which then narrows and enters a more covered wooded area which is still on an upward incline. The narrower track was soft in places (visited mid winter) and has some worn timber treads across it.
Track levels out to reveal great open views of the surrounding landscape, then continues on to the actual raised timber lookout area. A couple of short sets of steps get you up onto the platform where you get 360 degree views of the the Collingwood river, Frenchmans Cap and other surrounding hills and mountains.
Terrific walk, a great stopping spot if you've been in the car for a while and need to get your legs working again.
Only improvement for me would be with the signiage at the lookout, it featured simple line drawings of the landscape I was looking at with some poetry/script below the line drawings. It would have been so much more informative if the signs were less 'arty' and actually told you the names of the features you were looking at.
(No toilets, picnic area or phone coverage here)
翻译:位于德文特桥和皇后镇之间的 A10/莱尔高速公路上,交通十分便利,路标清晰,毗邻高速公路,设有大型停车场,方便客人停车。
多纳吉山/瞭望台是塔斯马尼亚官方评选的“60 条最佳短途步行道”之一。
小径平坦,可欣赏周围景观的开阔景色,然后继续前往实际的高架木质瞭望区。几段短台阶可让您登上平台,在那里您可以 360 度俯瞰科林伍德河、弗朗西斯角和其他周围的丘陵和山脉。