Never disappointed and usually in awe of all the flowering plants among the sea of green!
Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory的点评
点评:This historic botanical conservatory is a treat, no matter what time of year you visit. This was a late autumn visit, just ahead of a scheduled 18-month shutdown for renovation work. A sunny day outside made for the heat and humidity to be at their best for that tropical feel as we made our way through each four main sections of the conservatory buildings. Despite it being autumn, we still found many beautiful plants, some even flowering. Look up...look down...and enjoy the beautiful shades and shapes of the many green plants and palm trees. I have visited here many many times through the years and am never disappointed. In fact, usually in awe! Some of the specimens are a hundred years old! When the conservatory reopens in 2024, keep it mind for holiday displays. We used to come every Easter Sunday just to see the giant rabbits among the Easter lilies!! And the poinsettia trees at Christmas. Outside the conservatory are gardens, complete with a Marshall Fredericks sculpture, and the koi pond. Although admission is free, please consider a donation for this jewel on our beautiful Belle Isle park in the Detroit River.
翻译:无论您一年中的什么时候参观,这座历史悠久的植物温室都是一种享受。这是一次深秋的访问,就在预定的 18 个月停工改造工程之前。当我们穿过温室建筑的每四个主要部分时,外面阳光明媚的一天使热量和湿度达到最佳状态,营造出热带风情。尽管是秋天,我们还是发现了很多美丽的植物,有的甚至还开花了。向上看...向下看...并欣赏许多绿色植物和棕榈树的美丽阴影和形状。这些年来我来过这里很多次,从未失望过。事实上,通常是敬畏!有些标本已有一百年的历史了!当温室在 2024 年重新开放时,请记住节日展示。我们曾经在每个复活节星期天都来,只是为了看看复活节百合花中的巨型兔子!还有圣诞节的一品红树。温室外面是花园,里面有马歇尔·弗雷德里克斯 (Marshall Fredericks) 的雕塑和锦鲤池。虽然入场免费,但请考虑为我们位于底特律河美丽的贝尔岛公园的这颗宝石捐款。