点评:There must be 30 homes around the main Lake at Water Oak. The lake is flooded. So the houses have lost their backyards, water has filled their ventilation ducts, water is soaking the foundation lumber which they are built on. Devastation.
But Water OakSun Communities) says they're not responsible because the houses aren't intended for full-time use. Does that make any sense? Of course people are living there year-round! You're paying $700-900 a month for lake view lot RENT, and the lot is uninhabitable. Do they fix the lake flooding problem? NO. Do they discount or forgive the lot rent for an uninhabitable lot? NO. All they do is make up excuses to say it's beyond their control. They surveyed and chose your lot, built your mobile home. It was their design flaws and decisions that caused this debacle.
They think you are to pay $10,000+ a year for lot rent and not be able to live in your house? In the meantime, the CEO makes $175 million dollars a year. What is wrong with Sun Communities?
翻译:Water Oak 主湖周围肯定有 30 栋房屋。湖水被淹没了。因此,这些房屋失去了后院,通风管道被水灌满,水浸透了房屋所建的地基木材。一片狼藉。
但 Water Oak(Sun Communities)表示他们没有责任,因为这些房屋并非供全职使用。这说得通吗?当然,人们全年都住在那里!您每月要支付 700-900 美元的湖景地租金,而该地段却无法居住。他们解决了湖水泛滥问题吗?没有。他们会因为地段无法居住而打折或免除地租金吗?没有。他们所做的只是编造借口说这超出了他们的控制范围。他们勘察并选择了您的地段,建造了您的移动房屋。是他们的设计缺陷和决定导致了这场灾难。
他们认为您每年要支付 10,000 美元以上的地租金,却不能住在自己的房子里?与此同时,首席执行官的年薪却高达 1.75 亿美元。Sun Communities 到底出了什么问题?