Sometimes great, sometimes not
Arizona State University Art Museum的点评
点评:The price is right at this place -- if you validate your parking in the small lot by the museum to avoid a fine! -- admission is free. (Riding light rail + bus from the airport takes half an hour.) Whenever I'm in the Phoenix area, I'll check the website to find if there's anything I might want to see... and call to be sure it's open. Three visits ago, I spent maybe half an hour inside and the outside sculpture areas. Two visits ago, there was basically nothing to see. This visit I spent a couple of hours and enjoyed everything. So I've averaged my rating to four dots.
If you haven't been here at all, the architecture is interesting enough to visit no matter what.
The first exhibit I saw this time was "House Divided": a house with two halves, one half where a well-to-do family lived and the other with a ceiling made of cardboard (etc.)... a really thought-provoking and emotional contrast. Next was "Arkansas Traveler" by Scott Hocking, a fascinating crumpled windmill sculpture that barely fit the tall gallery space. Last was "A Country Is Not A House", a series of drawings of different ways to make a US-Mexico border wall -- for instance, a wall with wildlife crossovers and a wall that's a giant xylophone. I've included photos of each.
翻译:这个地方的价格是合适的——如果你在博物馆旁边的小停车场验证你的停车位以避免罚款! -- 免费入场。 (从机场坐轻轨+公交车半个小时。)每次到凤凰城的时候,我都会去网站上看看有没有什么想看的。。。然后打电话确认是否有营业.三次访问前,我在雕塑区内外花了大约半小时。前两次来,基本没什么可看的。这次访问我花了几个小时,享受了一切。所以我将我的评分平均为四个点。
这次看到的第一个展品是“House Divided”:一栋分为两半的房子,一半是小康人家住的,另一半是硬纸板(等等)做成的天花板……真是一个想法-挑衅和情绪对比。接下来是斯科特霍金的“阿肯色旅行者”,这是一个迷人的皱巴巴的风车雕塑,几乎不适合高大的画廊空间。最后是“A Country Is Not A House”,这是一系列以不同方式制作美墨边境墙的图画——例如,一堵野生动物交叉墙和一堵巨大的木琴墙。我已经包括了每个人的照片。