点评:An unusual National Trust property in that the family still live in the house.
I found this concept a little odd and imagined myself in my own house, flouncing around on an upper floor in my breeches while strangers roamed my lounge below. Quite an image!
The house is full of paintings of royalty and noble folk from times gone by. I swear Charles the First manages to appear in nearly every National Trust House...
Obviously the family were not in any of the rooms as we walked around. It would have felt a little awkward had the owner been taking a bath in one of the large bathtubs that was on display.
Our trip concluded with a visit to the outside toilets, where we were intrigued to see a sign in the cubicle alerting us of roosting bats. I am yet to be interrupted by a bat while in a toilet, but there's always a first time.