点评:I have very bad experience with tubing in rainbow spring . Me and my wife , my daughter, start together and 3 mnt we separate bcs the water flow and wind, my wife get stuck and she so scare because She doesn’t know how to swim, I try to give advice to her but she so scare and panic, I am off from the tub and try to get her and push her to closest place she can off fr the water , and in the some body house. This couldn’t be happened if the management give more info , because they just think everybody can swim and will have fun. But there is deep river , even the life jacket not necessary . So, I am so worry with my daughter because she by herself and she doesn’t know how to swin either. I call the Customer service, the lady on the phone just keep asking and repeating the same questions, I told her I have the emergency situations , She just waste my time , I have to solve the peoblem by my self.
Bad management , not proffesional , young kids worker with the cheap pay.
Terrible , never and never go again.
Gennie spring is much much better!!!
翻译:我在彩虹泉漂流的经历非常糟糕。我和妻子、女儿一起出发,3 分钟后就因为水流和风而分开了,我妻子被困住了,她非常害怕,因为她不会游泳,我试着给她建议,但她非常害怕和恐慌,我从浴缸里走出来,试图把她拉出来,推到离水最近的地方,然后是某个房子里。如果管理人员提供更多信息,这种情况就不会发生,因为他们认为每个人都会游泳,会玩得开心。但是河很深,甚至连救生衣都没有必要。所以,我很担心我的女儿,因为她一个人,而且她也不会游泳。我打电话给客服,电话里的女士一直在问,重复同样的问题,我告诉她我有紧急情况,她只是在浪费我的时间,我必须自己解决问题。
Gennie Spring 好多了!!!