The only place in Thailand to visit or volunteer alongside wild animals.
Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand的点评
点评:What an incredible rescue centre this is. I’d recommend anyone to visit or volunteer. This was my second stay here volunteering on the elephant project and it was just as wow and rewarding as the first time. The volunteers ranged from 18-67 so it’s never too late to come here and fulfil a dream of working behind the scenes with these magnificent creatures. That said, it can be quite physical especially during harvest so a level of physical fitness is needed to some extent if you work on the elephant project. The WFFT is somewhere to learn and be educated about wildlife and how these animals came to be here. Some of which brought me to tears. The compassion and care that is given to all the rescued animals from the workers and volunteers is next to none. Both and Boong were a dream to work alongside. Both is such a hard worker who is constantly smiling and nothing is ever too much for him, always willing to help and in several places at once! Pan, one of the mahouts has a little place in my heart after seeing him by the side of one of his elephants all night, alongside the onsite vet team while she was under the weather. Mike the tiger keeper holds an incredible amount of knowledge about tigers and the ones he cares for. So informative and passionate about what he does, not only for the tigers but how he cares for the other animals too. A real pleasure to talk to. When you book to volunteer here, everything runs so smoothly with Katie the volunteer coordinator. You can ask as many questions as you like and you’ll always get a response straight away. We also had the honour of meeting Edwin the founder who is always around checking in on his animals. Thank you to everyone who works here for all the love and care you show these animals. Until next time…
翻译:这是一个多么令人难以置信的救援中心。我推荐任何人来参观或做志愿者。这是我第二次在这里做大象项目的志愿者,这次经历和第一次一样令人惊叹和收获颇丰。志愿者的年龄从 18 岁到 67 岁不等,所以来这里实现与这些壮丽的动物一起在幕后工作的梦想永远不会太晚。话虽如此,特别是在收获季节,这可能需要相当多的体力,所以如果你在大象项目中工作,在一定程度上需要一定的体能。WFFT 是一个学习和了解野生动物以及这些动物是如何来到这里的场所。其中一些让我流下了眼泪。工作人员和志愿者对所有获救动物的同情和关怀是无与伦比的。与他们和 Boong 一起工作是梦想成真。Both 是一个如此勤奋的工作者,总是面带微笑,对他来说没有什么是太多的,总是愿意同时在几个地方提供帮助!象夫潘 (Pan) 在我的心里占据了一席之地,我曾看到他整晚陪在他的大象身边,在大象生病期间与现场兽医团队一起照顾它。老虎饲养员迈克 (Mike) 对老虎和他照顾的动物有着惊人的了解。他对自己的工作非常了解,而且充满热情,不仅对老虎如此,对其他动物也是如此。与他交谈真的很愉快。当您预订在这里做志愿者时,志愿者协调员凯蒂 (Katie) 会为您安排一切顺利。您可以问任何问题,而且总会立即得到答复。我们还很荣幸地见到了创始人埃德温 (Edwin),他总是在检查他的动物。感谢在这里工作的每个人,感谢你们对这些动物的爱和关怀。下次见……