Corrupt, incompetent, useless, monkeys.
Commonwealth Stadium的点评
点评:Disgusting corrupt and incompetent staff.
First night of Metallica concerts, I wasn't allowed into the snake pit because a snake pit ticket and a wrist stamp aren't good enough and I needed wrist bands as well. But no one told me until I went into the pit after the show started so I couldnt go back out. Was given $200 seats instead of the $1020 I paid for.
The second night, I got thrown out early because I "had too much to drink". Alcohol is all they served and it was a hot day. You do the math. They didn't let me bring in my water so beer is all a dehydrated hot guy could drink all night.
Absolutely despicable behaviour. One of my earplugs fell out while I was helping a guy look for his phone right before I got thrown out. So now I'm out $2200 thanks to the ridiculous circus that can't read they have employed here.
Metallica 音乐会的第一晚,我被禁止进入蛇坑,因为蛇坑门票和腕带不够用,我还需要腕带。但没有人告诉我,直到演出开始后我才进入蛇坑,所以我不能再出去了。他们给了我 200 美元的座位,而不是我支付的 1020 美元。
绝对卑鄙的行为。在我被赶出去之前,我在帮一个人找手机的时候,我的一个耳塞掉了。所以现在我损失了 2200 美元,这要归功于他们在这里雇佣的这个不识字的荒谬马戏团。