Total lack of any sense of customer service
Hark To Bounty, Slaidburn的点评
点评:We had been walking in the Forest of Bowland and decided to visit the Hark to Bounty pub for lunch, with a view to bringing a visiting tour group here in the Spring.
As we approached the pub, the sign outside said that food was being served 12-2. It was just after 20 to 2 as we pulled into the car park, so we knew we would have to make a decision quickly as to what we wanted - but were only envisaging having a sandwich and a drink anyway.
We went into the bar and the woman in charge was busy taking payment from a customer - who was clearly paying for a reasonably substantial order, including food. As I knew time was getting short, I reached for a menu, to assist in speeding things up - but she immediately said we wouldn't be able to order anything as 'The kitchen closes as 2pm'. I pointed out that it wasn't 2pm yet - but she said 'The kitchen closes at 2pm, so the latest you can order is 20 to 2'.
I suggested that she might want to think about changing the blackboard outside in that case - and she said 'Why? The kitchen closes at 2pm'
One hears that the hospitality industry is struggling. Not surprising really, with attitudes like that in charge. It was the most unwelcoming establishment I've ever visited. Needless to say, we won't be returning - and won't be bringing any tour groups here either.
翻译:我们一直在鲍兰德森林里散步,决定去 Hark to Bounty 酒吧吃午餐,打算在春天带一个旅游团来这里。
当我们走近酒吧时,外面的牌子上写着食物按 12-2 供应。当我们把车驶入停车场时,时间刚刚过20:2,所以我们知道我们必须尽快决定我们想要什么——但无论如何我们只是设想吃一个三明治和一杯饮料。
我们走进酒吧,负责人正忙着从一位顾客那里收款——这位顾客显然是在支付相当大的订单,包括食物。我知道时间越来越短,我伸手拿了一份菜单,以帮助加快速度——但她立即说我们无法点任何东西,因为“厨房下午 2 点关门”。我指出现在还不到下午 2 点,但她说“厨房下午 2 点关门,所以最晚可以点餐是 20 点到 2 点”。
我建议她在这种情况下可能要考虑更换外面的黑板 - 她说‘为什么?厨房下午 2 点关门
人们听说酒店业正在苦苦挣扎。有这样的态度,确实不足为奇。这是我访问过的最不受欢迎的机构。不用说,我们不会回来 - 也不会带任何旅行团来这里。