点评:I found a listing on the "This is Basel" site about a 12:15 concert at this church, so decided to go. What an unexpected treat! They have a café so I got a slice of apple tart with streusel and when I asked for Coke zero the guy said yes. They had four small tables in an upper area up a circular stone stairway with two big stained glass windows and a vaulted ceiling, but all in a small area. Turns out the Coke zero is an all natural, all Swiss version of Coke zero which cost more than the slice of apple tart… Oh well. The atmosphere was great but the tart wasn’t the best ever. However, the concert was the best day ever and might be a highlight of my week here in Basel.
I didn’t know what kind of concert it was when I decided to go and assumed it was a musician or two but it turns out it was two women professional singers who specialize in medieval French songs. It was amazing. As soon as they started to sing, I was flabbergasted; their sound was ethereal; somehow their two voices blended and managed to sound like an entire choir singing. With the candles lit, the stained glass windows behind them and up lights highlighting the carved wooden choir stalls, I felt like it was the 15th century and I was in church. Their voices soared up and up and up and through the entire church. A great experience. And this was something that I had stumbled across on the official tourist website of “what’s on in Basel”.
This looks like an interesting, vibrant church. They had signs for a "Bike Blessing" where they'll bless your motorcycle.
翻译:我在“这是巴塞尔”网站上找到了关于在这个教堂举行的 12:15 音乐会的列表,所以决定去。多么意外的享受!他们有一家咖啡馆,所以我买了一片苹果馅饼和糖粉奶油细末,当我要可乐零时,他说是的。他们有四张小桌子,位于圆形石阶的上层区域,有两扇大彩色玻璃窗和拱形天花板,但都在一个很小的区域。结果可口可乐零是纯天然的,全瑞士版的可口可乐零,比一片苹果馅饼更贵……哦,好吧。气氛很好,但馅饼不是最好的。然而,音乐会是有史以来最棒的一天,可能是我在巴塞尔度过的一周的亮点。
当我决定去的时候,我不知道那是一场什么样的音乐会,我以为是一两个音乐家,但事实证明是两个专门演奏中世纪法国歌曲的女歌手。这是惊人的。他们一开始唱歌,我就目瞪口呆;他们的声音空灵;不知何故,他们的两种声音混合在一起,听起来像是整个合唱团的歌声。蜡烛点亮,彩色玻璃窗在他们身后,向上的灯光突出了雕刻的木制合唱团座位,我觉得这是 15 世纪,我在教堂里。他们的声音越传越高,传遍了整个教堂。一次很棒的经历。这是我在官方旅游网站“what's on Basel”上偶然发现的。