点评:If you love to take the subway in Tokyo, this is the museum for you! It is only 220¥ and is packed with interesting exhibits. It is located in Kasai station on the Tokyo Metro Tozai line.
Not all exhibits have English translations, but the important ones do. You can also just use the Google Translate app camera feature to translate the others on the fly. You'll find a great history of the subway system in Tokyo and the various mergers and acquisitions that have resulted in today's Tokyo Metro.
The exhibits are interesting for kids and adults alike. You can walk through historic subway cars from the past century, see the tunnel digging machines, drive a train using a real simulator, and see a model of the system in action.
They offer free wifi and have an excellent gift shop. I picked up a couple Tozai Line items (ruler and charger dongle) there, as that is the subway I use most frequently when visiting Tokyo. I spent an enjoyable 2 hours here and loved the experience!
翻译:如果您喜欢乘坐东京地铁,那么这个博物馆就是您的不二之选!门票仅 220 日元,而且里面有很多有趣的展品。它位于东京地铁东西线的葛西站。
并非所有展品都有英文翻译,但重要的展品都有。您也可以使用 Google 翻译应用的相机功能即时翻译其他展品。您会发现东京地铁系统的伟大历史以及导致今天东京地铁的各种并购。
他们提供免费 wifi 并设有一家很棒的礼品店。我在那里买了几个东西线物品(尺子和充电器),因为这是我访问东京时最常使用的地铁。我在这里度过了愉快的 2 个小时,非常喜欢这次体验!