点评:This was our second visit, as it is a nice place to enjoy your time with family and friends. You can get opportunity to see animals living there (lemurs, parrots, crocodiles, turtles, lizards and wide variety of exotic birds and guinea pigs). You can buy box of fruit and veg mix for 3€ to feed guinea pigs. There is easy access for pushchairs as well. Reasonable prices for value of experience (10€/adult, children till 5yrs old for free). There was a car park, sometimes overcrowded with taxis waiting to take you for another trip, so recommend to attend a bit earlier, or just take a bus.
Have to say that the place is clean, animals were treated well, feed regularly and had lots of hiding places in their enclosures. The animals are given freedom to interact with all visitors. During our visit we saw a zoo keeper cleaning the monkeys enclosure and monkey was jumping onto his shoulders, poked his t-shirt and it was cute to see how good contact and trust animals have to the staff. Really great place. I do recommend!
翻译:这是我们第二次来这里,因为这里是与家人和朋友共度美好时光的好地方。您可以有机会看到生活在那里的动物(狐猴、鹦鹉、鳄鱼、乌龟、蜥蜴和各种珍奇鸟类和豚鼠)。您可以花 3 欧元买一盒水果和蔬菜混合物来喂豚鼠。婴儿车也方便进入。价格合理,物有所值(成人 10 欧元,5 岁以下儿童免费)。这里有一个停车场,有时挤满了等着带您去另一趟的出租车,所以建议您早点到,或者坐公共汽车。
不得不说,这个地方很干净,动物受到很好的照顾,定期喂食,围栏里有很多藏身之处。动物可以自由地与所有游客互动。在我们参观期间,我们看到一位动物园管理员正在清理猴子的围栏,猴子跳到他的肩膀上,戳他的 T 恤,看到动物与工作人员的良好接触和信任真是太可爱了。真是个好地方。我强烈推荐!