点评:My son and I selected Gech Akililu o guide our motorcycle trip through the southern Omo region. Prior to our leaving for Addis, we had arranged a schedule and details for our trip.Gech Akililu, as well as a competitive, agreeable price.
Gech met my son and I at the Jinka airport and we promptly left for the city and get acquainted. On our 1st day, we had planned to sleep over in someone's hut but it had burnt down. A few miles away, we stopped and met members of a small tribe where we were welcomed with food and coffee, exchanged gifts and observed a craftman making knives. We went forward to a smaller town where we found a hotel. The hotel was actually pretty nasty but that was the only "facility" in the small town so we made it do. Incidently, I had stopped there 4 years ago on a solo trip.
On the next day, we had quite a few miles to go and stopped to spend time with kids on high stilts and then visited a small Banner community. After a night in Turmi, where we had breakfast at Istanbul Delights a cafe owned by a Turkish expatriate, we visited the Karo tribe. On the next day, we had a full "jumping the bull" experience in Turmi. On our last day, we were back in Jinka, and hopped onto a 4x4 to visit the Mursi tribe about 50 miles away, the terrain being impossible on motorcycles.
The motorcyle trip is definitely not for all as it is arduous and, at times, dangerous. Still, it provides opportunities not fully available by car.
Altogether, Gech was a friendly and knowledgeable guide, well connected with all the groups we met. We definitely developed a personal bond and warmly recommend him to your consideration for guiding services.
翻译:我和儿子选择了 Gech Akililu 来指导我们穿越南部奥莫地区的摩托车之旅。在前往亚的斯之前,我们已经安排好了行程安排和细节,以及具有竞争力且合理的价格。
Gech 在金卡机场接了我和儿子,然后我们立即前往城市并熟悉彼此。第一天,我们计划在某人的小屋里过夜,但小屋被烧毁了。几英里外,我们停下来,遇到了一个小部落的成员,他们用食物和咖啡欢迎我们,交换了礼物,还观看了一位工匠制作刀具。我们继续前往一个较小的城镇,在那里找到了一家酒店。这家酒店实际上相当简陋,但那是小镇上唯一的“设施”,所以我们就勉强住了。顺便说一句,4 年前我曾在那里停留过一次单人旅行。
第二天,我们还有好几英里的路要走,我们停下来和孩子们一起踩高跷,然后参观了一个小旗帜社区。在图尔米住了一晚后,我们在一位土耳其侨民开的伊斯坦布尔美食咖啡馆吃了早餐,然后参观了卡罗部落。第二天,我们在图尔米体验了一次完整的“冒险”。最后一天,我们回到了金卡,跳上一辆四轮驱动车,去参观 50 英里外的穆尔西部落,那里的地形不适合摩托车。
总之,Gech 是一位友好而博学的导游,与我们遇到的所有团体都有很好的联系。我们确实建立了个人关系,并热情地推荐他为您提供导游服务。