Do not use for ski equipment hire, ski school itself and instructors were fine
Skischule & Skiverleih Ellmau Hartkaiser的点评
点评:DO NOT HIRE YOUR SKI EQUIPMENT HERE. Truly the worst experience I have had and a terrible start to our holiday. OK, it was busy, but its always busy at peak times, this is entirely predictable, we were there 2 hours and the place was chaos. Staff were rude, abrupt, service shocking and system of the hire itself (and ski school) was archaic. Despite taking my prepaid ski school email confirmation at the start, the staff didn't recall this later and argued that I hadn't paid for ski school. We were given a broken helmet which had to be returned and see the boots we were given were in very poor condition (see photos). We couldn't face the place again to try and exchange. Check with your tour operator who they use for ski hire and find somewhere else if they use this place. The instructors at ski school itself were professional.
翻译:不要在这里租用您的滑雪设备。真的是我经历过的最糟糕的经历,也是我们假期的糟糕开始。好的,它很忙,但它在高峰时段总是很忙,这是完全可以预见的,我们在那里待了 2 个小时,这个地方很混乱。工作人员粗鲁、唐突、服务令人震惊,而且雇用系统(和滑雪学校)本身也很陈旧。尽管一开始就收到了我预付的滑雪学校电子邮件确认函,但工作人员后来不记得了,并争辩说我没有为滑雪学校付费。我们得到了一个破损的头盔,必须归还,看到我们得到的靴子状况很差(见照片)。我们无法再次面对这个地方尝试和交流。请咨询您的旅行社,他们使用谁来租用滑雪设备,如果他们使用这个地方,请寻找其他地方。滑雪学校的教练本身就很专业。