Great fishing or sightseeing from portions of the old Skyway Bridge
Skyway Fishing Pier State Park的点评
点评:There are two Sunshine Skyway fishing piers, both being the north and south ends of the old Skyway bridge that were "recycled" after the center section of the old bridge was demolished after the new Skyway Bridge was built. Admission for both piers is $4 per car plus $2 per person. You will also need to pay the toll for the bridge for your vehicle, as the access roads to both piers are after the toll plazas. You can pay the toll using a SunPass or another accepted toll transponder, if you have one in your vehicle. You can use both piers within a 24-hour period by showing your receipt at the entrance. The pier is a great place to fish or to get a dramatic close-up view of the Sunshine Skyway bridge just east of each pier. You can also view ships as they pass into Tampa Bay from the Gulf of Mexico. A great time to go is near sunset. One downside - if you plan to fish, you must take a free online course and pass it, then bring the printed certificate when you go there to fish (must take the course within a 2-year period of your visit). The online course is available on the Florida Wildlife Commission website. At the end of the north pier there is a shop that sells bait, tackle, snacks, and beverages as well as rents rods and reels, in case you do not have fishing tackle with you. A lot of people were catching a variety of fish while we were there, some quite large. Live bait or shrimp seemed to be attractive to lure fish to bite. You can also use a cast net to catch your own bait fish.
翻译:阳光天桥有两个钓鱼码头,它们位于旧天桥的南北两端,在新天桥建成后,旧桥的中段被拆除,因此被“回收利用”。两个码头的入场费为每辆车 4 美元,每人 2 美元。您还需要为您的车辆支付过桥费,因为通往两个码头的道路都在收费站后面。您可以使用 SunPass 或其他可接受的收费转发器(如果您的车辆上有的话)支付过桥费。您可以在入口处出示收据,在 24 小时内使用两个码头。码头是钓鱼的好地方,也可以近距离欣赏每个码头东侧的阳光天桥的壮丽景色。您还可以看到船只从墨西哥湾驶入坦帕湾。日落时分是游览的最佳时间。一个缺点是 - 如果您打算钓鱼,您必须参加免费的在线课程并通过,然后在您去那里钓鱼时携带打印的证书(必须在您访问后的 2 年内参加课程)。在线课程可在佛罗里达州野生动物委员会网站上找到。在北码头的尽头有一家商店,出售鱼饵、渔具、小吃和饮料,以及出租鱼竿和渔线轮,以防您没有带渔具。我们在那里的时候,很多人都在抓各种各样的鱼,有些相当大。活饵或虾似乎很有吸引力,可以引诱鱼上钩。您也可以使用撒网来捕捉自己的饵鱼。