点评:A pleasant way to spend 45 - 60 minutes having a stroll about what must have been a pretty spectacular property in its heyday. There will always be features that one person will appreciate in these old buildings that another person won't but chatting about it is part of the fun. The place is set over two levels with a tower (an additional $2 donation to join the tower tours and numbers are limited). The grounds are quite limited now but originally the property covered a much larger area.
The condition of the place varies, some rooms are quite nicely done up while others are more dilapidated. There are various National Trust items for sale on Open Days and a small kitchen for snacks (can't elaborate as I didn't partake).
Parking is limited and remember this is still a suburban street so spaces are limited on the street. If you can try to park a block away and walk to try to limit inconvenience to locals - and frustration of yourself when you can't find a park right out the front.
Keep in mind a few things;
Firstly the place is only open infrequently so check their website and plan ahead.
Secondly book ahead. They have a set number they target and it can and does sell out. So you are betting off paying beforehand rather than be turned away at the door.
翻译:这是一种愉快的方式,可以花 45 - 60 分钟的时间在这座全盛时期相当壮观的建筑中漫步。这些古老建筑中总会有一些功能是一个人会欣赏而另一个人不会的,但谈论它也是乐趣的一部分。这个地方分为两层,有一座塔楼(参加塔楼游览需额外捐款 2 美元,数量有限)。现在场地相当有限,但最初该地产覆盖的面积要大得多。