点评:This is a recreation of the cave paintings of Altamira as the caves were closed for general public viewing in the 1970´s. You can choose a guided tour or a visit at your own pace. We chose the latter as we were short of time. There is an exhibit of the life of pre-historic man which makes for an interesting visit before or after your set time. When the time for your visit arrives, you view a (very dated) video and then get access to the recreation of the caves which is very well done (but is not the real thing) and if you choose to visit at your own pace you should try to speak to one of the very helpful attendants as they will explain the paintings and point out things that you are unlikely to notice. If you prefer the real thing there are plenty of caves that you can visit in the area, although none has the scale of decoration that Altamira has.
翻译:这是阿尔塔米拉洞穴壁画的再现,因为这些洞穴在 20 世纪 70 年代不对公众开放。您可以选择导游陪同或自行参观。我们选择了后者,因为我们时间紧迫。这里有一个史前人类生活的展览,您可以在预定时间之前或之后进行一次有趣的参观。到达参观时间后,您可以观看一段(非常过时的)视频,然后参观洞穴的再现,再现效果非常好(但不是真实的),如果您选择自行参观,您应该尝试与其中一位非常乐于助人的服务员交谈,因为他们会解释壁画并指出您不太可能注意到的东西。如果您更喜欢真实的壁画,那么您可以参观该地区的许多洞穴,尽管没有一个洞穴的装饰规模能与阿尔塔米拉相媲美。