点评:Before visiting LvivI did lots of research before even thinking of entering there in 2024, when all we see on television is that there's a war in ukraine. But with my last visit to Azerbaijan and Armenia I met many people who will either on vacation from Lviv or returning to University. Then I decided to do some more research and found that it was safe enough to visit. When I arrived by bus from Poland (no planes are flying there), I realised it was business as usual in the city and it was hardly touched by the war. So I was happy to visit and I truly love all of it. The people were pleasan, all businesses were opened, and Old Town was busy with trams and public transport everything was normal except the fact that there was a 12:00 midnight curfew and some of the statues in Old Town were covered up to prevent any damage in case of any bombings. Old Town was alive. All businesses were open and few visitors and locals were going ahout their business as any other day. .Old town is beautiful.. I love the cobblestone streets. Even though it was still winter and the weather was bit gloomy, I truly loved walking around Old Town and most of all the. shopping. I loved the excitement of the city.
翻译:在参观利沃夫之前,我做了很多研究,甚至在考虑 2024 年进入那里之前,我们在电视上看到的都是乌克兰发生战争。但在我上次访问阿塞拜疆和亚美尼亚时,我遇到了许多人,他们要么从利沃夫度假,要么返回大学。然后我决定做更多的研究,发现那里足够安全。当我从波兰乘坐公共汽车抵达时(那里没有飞机飞行),我意识到这座城市一切如常,几乎没有受到战争的影响。所以我很高兴参观,我真的很喜欢这里的一切。人们很愉快,所有的商店都开门营业,老城区有电车和公共交通,一切都很正常,除了午夜 12:00 宵禁,老城区的一些雕像被遮盖起来,以防止发生任何爆炸时造成任何损坏。老城区充满活力。所有商店都开门营业,很少有游客和当地人像平常一样做生意。老城区很美。我喜欢鹅卵石街道。尽管当时还是冬天,天气有点阴沉,但我还是很喜欢在老城区散步,尤其是购物。我喜欢这座城市的热闹。