点评:I was a long term Customer, who paid the $200 a month for the privilege of being yelled at when I dared to question computer glitch which resulted in me being charged for a ($20) missed class. Add in the constant changing of types of classes, number of class offerings and the revolving front desk staff (firings, quitting) and I had enough! I broke my contract and left for another Barre studio.
Notice the ratio of Terrible to Excellent reviews? Considering she had well over 200 "Rock Star" memberships at her peak, the reviews should be glowing. When I quit she couldn't help but send me a seething email. And therein lies the problem. The owner, Yana is the only instructor and moody as hell. I left $ on the table to get the hell out of there. There are a lot of Barre Studios out there. No need to pay for negativity.
翻译:我是一个长期客户,我每月支付 200 美元,但当我敢于质疑电脑故障时,却被大声呵斥,结果我被收取了 20 美元的缺课费。再加上课程类型、课程数量不断变化,前台工作人员不断更换(解雇、辞职),我受够了!我解除了合同,去了另一家 Barre 工作室。
注意到差评和优秀评论的比例了吗?考虑到她在巅峰时期拥有超过 200 个“摇滚明星”会员资格,评论应该很热烈。当我辞职时,她忍不住给我发了一封怒气冲冲的电子邮件。问题就在这里。老板 Yana 是唯一的教练,而且喜怒无常。我把钱放在桌子上,想离开那里。外面有很多 Barre 工作室。没必要为消极情绪付钱。