“Killing Sam Adams Boston Lager one Rainbow Flag at a time“
Samuel Adams Boston Brewery - Jamaica Plain的点评
点评:Repost since the first one was removed for”Discriminatory Language, my review remains the same. “Killing Sam Adams Boston Lager one Rainbow Flag at a time”
Ever year Since 2014, I have been going to Boston and visiting Sam Adams, sometimes twice a year. ( The good old days were when Doyle’s was open and jason drove the Trolley/Bus between and took you on a tour of the city) However in September of 2023 we showed up to a place that was unrecognizable, compared the Red-White&Blue Sam Adams of old, this place was literally all Rainbow Flags complete with a chalkboard listing how it is a safe space and the things that will not be tolerated. Not only have they ruined the atmosphere but the Flagship beer Boston Lager has been “remastered”. WTF, the very beer that started the craft brewing craze went through a “Transition”. They should change the name to Samantha Adams.
翻译:自从第一篇因为“歧视性语言”而被删除后,我重新发帖,我的评论保持不变。 “一次杀死一个彩虹旗 Sam Adams Boston Lager”
自 2014 年以来,每年我都会去波士顿拜访 Sam Adams,有时一年两次。(美好的旧时光是 Doyle’s 开业时,Jason 开着有轨电车/巴士带你游览城市)然而在 2023 年 9 月,我们来到了一个无法辨认的地方,与旧的红白蓝 Sam Adams 相比,这个地方实际上是全是彩虹旗,还有一块黑板,上面列出了它是一个安全的空间以及不能容忍的事情。他们不仅破坏了氛围,而且旗舰啤酒 Boston Lager 也被“重新制作”了。WTF,引发精酿热潮的啤酒经历了“转型”。他们应该把名字改成 Samantha Adams。