点评:I'm from Gloucester and have just moved back here. I remember volunteering at this place during my uni summer holidays and always remembered it being a bit so-so, but seeing as I've moved back I thought I'd give it a go and was (mostly) pleasantly surprised.
The downstairs has the obligatory dinosaurs/geology/taxidermied animals that you get in every museum like this. But the rest of the pre-historic, Roman and medieval displays were great (maybe a few missing labels here and there) and definitely made me appreciate Gloucester as a place and appreciate its history.
Upstairs though...well, it's like they've got all these other random artefacts from the post-medieval/modern periods that they forgotten they have to put on display so they've just shoved them in an unengaging big room willy nilly. It's not enough to spoil my enjoyment of the place, but 99% of that enjoyment is from the stuff on the ground floor.
不过楼上……嗯,好像他们有所有这些来自后中世纪/现代时期的随机文物,他们忘记了必须展出,所以他们只是随意地把它们塞进一个没有吸引力的大房间里。这还不足以破坏我对这个地方的享受,但 99% 的享受都来自于一楼的东西。