Great Value Light Festival with many nice surprises and a welcome cafe break afterwards
Gilbert White's House & Gardens的点评
点评:There are more light festival's every year but this is one you should certainly not miss and it will not cost you very much to see it and it will not break the bank. Normal entrance to the house and garden will cost you £19.50 but visiting the Eco Light Festival at night costs just £12.50 and you experience nearly all of the house (excluding the Antarctic rooms) and quite a bit of the garden. The car park is free and the cafe is open for you either before you start your tour or after you finish, or both!
Every visitor is given a torch and a printed guide sheet (2 sides one side showing what you should look for in the house and the reverse explaining what there is to see outside). The torch is useful in the house both for reading the guide sheet and lighting up some of the displays, but it comes into its own in the garden as you need to shine it around as you walk to bring to life otherwise hidden flourescent displays. There are certainly some nice surprises in the house, such as walking over beds of moving earthworms upstairs, but for me the best surprises we in the second part of the garden where I took the photos attached to my review. Tea and cake in the cafe afterwards was not to be missed where there was a very large range of cakes for sale.
翻译:每年都会举办更多的灯光节,但这个灯光节绝对不容错过,而且花费不多,也不会花光积蓄。正常情况下,进入房屋和花园的费用为 19.50 英镑,但夜间参观生态灯光节的费用仅为 12.50 英镑,您可以参观几乎所有的房屋(南极房间除外)和相当一部分花园。停车场是免费的,咖啡馆在您开始游览之前或结束后都开放,或者两者都开放!