Roadside attraction with some unique KFC swag, fast food, and interesting history.
Harland Sanders Cafe And Museum的点评
点评:Classic roadside attraction just 5 minutes off I-75. If you have any time to spare and are hungry it's a great idea to stop here and explore a little bit of kitchy American history. The original cafe that grew into the KFC empire, this is a fully functional KFC, complete with a drive through. Nothing notable about it other than it being exceptionally clean. It is however, attached to the old cafe where you can sit and enjoy your two piece thigh and biscuit combo or whatever else you like from the full menu. The museum-like cafe is well stocked with some memorabilia to explore, a few videos playing and some statues of the Colonel. It's free and you just walk about yourself. Overall you can probably see everything in about 10 or 15 minutes which I think is perfect for a roadside stop. And the KFC isn't bad for fast food the biscuits are especially top notch.
翻译:经典的路边景点,距 I-75 仅 5 分钟路程。如果您有空闲时间并且肚子饿了,不妨在这里停下来了解一下美国的历史。这里是最初的咖啡馆,后来发展成为肯德基帝国,是一家功能齐全的肯德基,配有汽车餐厅。除了非常干净之外,没有什么可挑剔的。但是,它与旧咖啡馆相连,您可以坐下来享用两块鸡腿和饼干套餐,或全套菜单中的其他任何您喜欢的食物。这家博物馆般的咖啡馆储备了一些纪念品供您探索,正在播放一些视频,还有一些上校的雕像。它是免费的,您可以自己走走。总的来说,您大概可以在 10 到 15 分钟内看完所有的东西,我认为这非常适合路边停留。肯德基的快餐还不错,饼干尤其一流。