点评:I stayed in Palermo Hollywood for 5 weeks. On the way, by taxi, to the neighborhood, I was so excited to see how beautiful and lively the neighborhood was with beautiful tree lined streets, shops everywhere, and many people walking with their children and pets. What a good place to walk and discover restaurants and shops, so I thought. After 5 weeks, I barely knew the neighborhood because I had to keep my eyes one the sidewalk all the time to avoid stepping on dog poops and occasional potholes. Most shop owners tried to keep their shop fronts clean by sweeping and washing in the morning. Unfortunately, many pet owners did not bother to pickup after their dogs. In addition, littering was a problem everywhere. I passed by many restaurants and shops, with my eyes fixed in front of each step, without realizing their existence until the last few days of my trip. I felt so sad for that beautiful neighborhood that was devalued by irresponsible pet owners and the problem of littering.
翻译:我在巴勒莫好莱坞呆了 5 周。在乘出租车前往该社区的路上,我非常兴奋地看到这个社区如此美丽和热闹,街道两旁绿树成荫,商店随处可见,许多人带着孩子和宠物散步。我想,这是一个散步和发现餐馆和商店的好地方。5 周后,我几乎不认识这个社区,因为我不得不一直盯着人行道,以免踩到狗屎和偶尔出现的坑洼。大多数店主都试图通过早上清扫和清洗来保持店面清洁。不幸的是,许多宠物主人懒得清理狗的粪便。此外,乱扔垃圾到处都是问题。我经过许多餐馆和商店,眼睛盯着每个台阶,直到旅行的最后几天才意识到它们的存在。我为这个美丽的社区感到难过,它被不负责任的宠物主人和乱扔垃圾的问题所贬低。