点评:My daughters and I came to North Beach Provincial Park for the first time today and were delighted by the excellent service at the entrance. However when we set up our picnic an Ontario Parks officer by the name of T. Moynes approached us to ask us to leave the beach because we had our dog with us. We were not aware that dogs are not allowed on the beach and that there is a designated pet beach. We indicated that it would have been nice to know at the gate so we didn’t set up in the wrong area and her response was very rude. As a result, we decided we wanted to leave and tried to ask for a refund given we had only been at the beach for five minutes. The lovely young woman at the gate was surprised when we told her dogs are not allowed - she was not aware and indicated that she thought they just had to be leashed. She called her manager to inquire about the refund and T. Moynes arrived all fired up and on an unnecessary power trip. I simply asked that we receive a refund because we weren’t told at the gate about the rule against pets (they were not aware either) and she then told me very rudely that we were breaking the law and she was doing me a courtesy by not fining me $95. All of this was so unnecessary. Where is the customer service? I was embarrassed for the nice teenagers working the booth. I rolled my window down in our way out to let them know that they should consider letting people know that the pet designated area was completely full and T. Moynes then proceeded to chase after our car and scream across the parking lot to ‘keep going’! Nothing we did warranted the treatment we received. It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon ruined. So completely unacceptable for a public servant to behave this way towards a member of the public that they are supposed to be serving.
翻译:我和女儿今天第一次来到北滩省立公园,入口处的优质服务让我们非常满意。然而,当我们准备野餐时,一位名叫 T. Moynes 的安大略省公园官员走过来要求我们离开海滩,因为我们带着狗。我们不知道海滩上不允许带狗,而且有一个指定的宠物海滩。我们表示,如果在门口就知道就好了,这样我们就不会在错误的地方安顿下来,但她的回应非常粗鲁。结果,我们决定离开,并试图要求退款,因为我们只在海滩上待了五分钟。当我们告诉门口那位可爱的年轻女子不允许带狗时,她很惊讶——她不知道,并表示她认为狗只要被拴上就行了。她打电话给她的经理询问退款事宜,T. Moynes 一到就怒不可遏,毫无必要地大发雷霆。我只是要求退款,因为在门口没有告诉我们禁止携带宠物的规定(他们也不知道),然后她非常粗鲁地告诉我,我们违反了法律,她没有罚款 95 美元,这是对我的礼貌。所有这些都是不必要的。客户服务在哪里?我为在展台工作的那些好心的青少年感到尴尬。我摇下车窗,让他们知道他们应该考虑让人们知道宠物专用区已经满了,然后 T. Moynes 开始追赶我们的车,并在停车场对面大喊“继续开”!我们所做的一切都不值得我们受到这样的对待。一个美好的星期六下午就这样被毁了。一名公务员以这种方式对待他们应该服务的公众成员,这是完全不可接受的。