An outstanding, if rather small, display in a scandalously run-down setting
Dymkovskaya Toy Museum的点评
点评:We visited that manufacturing museum in the middle of August and came away experiencing a lot of contradicting emotions.
On the one hand, the elegance and Russian character of Dymkovo toys (this is their proper name!) truly blow you away. On the other hand, they are kept in a building that pleads for an extensive overhaul. The walls and ceilings are covered with cracks, the floor is uneven and as old as Methuselah, there's hardly any ventilation, etc.
But do stop by their store. Despite its small size and unpretentious look, it has excellent products. When making a purchase, start by selecting a barynya landlady, a nyan'ka nanny, and a vodonoska female watercarrier. They are the most typical Dymkovo handicrafts, in my opinion.
一方面,Dymkovo 玩具(这是它们的正式名称!)的优雅和俄罗斯特色确实让你惊叹不已。另一方面,它们被存放在一栋需要大修的建筑中。墙壁和天花板上布满裂缝,地板凹凸不平,像玛土撒拉一样古老,几乎没有通风设备,等等。
但一定要去他们的商店看看。尽管规模小,外观朴实无华,但产品却非常出色。购买时,首先选择 barynya 女房东、nyan'ka 保姆和 vodonoska 女水夫。在我看来,它们是最典型的 Dymkovo 手工艺品。