点评:If you are thinking of hiring bikes in this area then this is the place to come to. Yiannis is an absolute superstar. Like others, we got in touch before we left and arranged bike hire in advance. Unfortunately, when we arrived we found it was going to be 39 degrees on the day we had planned to cycle. Yiannis couldn't have been more helpful. We switched days with no problem at all. The bikes were delivered to our hotel and wow, they were amazing spec bikes at a great price - better than the ones we have at home!
The bikeproject.gr website has many great recommendations for routes and they all look amazing. We kind of picked parts of them and made our own way through the hills. I really don't think you can go wrong around this area - the scenery is stunning. It's hilly but that's part of the beauty of the place. We cycled up to the ancient olive tree in Vouves and stopped for a drink at the lovely taverna there.
My son came with us and he's not a cyclist but he loved it. We had carbon road bikes with Shimano 105 but my son had never used a drop handle bike so he had an excellent trekking bike with road tyres instead.
I really can't recommend Yiannis and bike project highly enough. Fantastic value, superb service and wherever you go on this island the scenery is spectacular.
翻译:如果您想在这个地区租自行车,那么这里就是您要来的地方。Yiannis 绝对是个超级明星。像其他人一样,我们在出发前联系了他们,并提前安排了自行车租赁。不幸的是,当我们到达时,我们发现在我们计划骑行的那天气温将达到 39 度。Yiannis 非常乐于助人。我们毫无问题地换了天。自行车送到了我们的酒店,哇,这些自行车规格很棒,价格也很实惠 - 比我们家里的自行车还要好!
bikeproject.gr 网站有很多很棒的路线推荐,它们看起来都很棒。我们挑选了其中的一部分,自己穿过山丘。我真的不认为你在这个地方会走错路 - 风景令人惊叹。虽然这里多山,但这也是这个地方美丽的一部分。我们骑车去了 Vouves 的古老橄榄树,在那里可爱的小酒馆停下来喝了一杯。
我的儿子和我们一起来了,他不是骑自行车的人,但他很喜欢。我们有配备 Shimano 105 的碳纤维公路自行车,但我的儿子从未使用过弯把自行车,所以他选择了一辆配备公路轮胎的出色徒步自行车。
我真的强烈推荐 Yiannis 和自行车项目。物超所值,服务一流,无论您去岛上的任何地方,风景都十分壮观。