点评:We live about a mile from the Pinellas Trail and hubby cycles almost daily. This trail is 45 miles long extending from St. Pete to Tarpon Springs and plans to connect to other trails will extend it to 75 miles. Currently 65 miles are complete of the extension. There are overpasses that you ride over the street, otherwise, it's pretty flat. Although motorized vehicles are not allowed, you will see electric wheels, scooters, e-bikes, and every other imaginable electric device on it. When you are near the towns, e.g. Dunedin, the trail gets very crowded especially during tourist season. There are also more stops because of it intersecting with local streets. As you ride away from the towns, there is some nice open roadway. Plenty of stops along the way and most places offer bike racks. You do need to be careful of speeding e-bikes and scooters who ride the trail like a motorcycle, no peddling, just speeding along zipping in and around people. There have been instances where groups of teenagers annoy pedestrians and cyclists as well. Like everything else, stay alert. Trail rangers are around but few and far between. The Pinellas County Sheriff's office will respond to issues.
翻译:我们住在距离皮内拉斯步道约一英里的地方,老公几乎每天都会骑自行车。这条步道长 45 英里,从圣彼得堡延伸到塔彭斯普林斯,计划连接到其他步道,将延长至 75 英里。目前,延伸部分已完成 65 英里。有天桥可以骑车过街,除此之外,路面相当平坦。虽然不允许机动车辆通行,但您会看到电动车、踏板车、电动自行车以及所有其他可以想象到的电动设备。当您靠近城镇时,例如达尼丁,这条步道会非常拥挤,尤其是在旅游旺季。由于它与当地街道相交,因此也有更多的停靠点。当您骑车离开城镇时,会看到一些不错的开阔道路。沿途有很多停靠点,大多数地方都提供自行车架。您需要小心超速行驶的电动自行车和踏板车,它们像骑摩托车一样在步道上行驶,不踩踏板,只是快速行驶,在人群中穿梭。曾经有过青少年群体骚扰行人和骑自行车的人的情况。像其他事情一样,保持警惕。步道护林员虽然在附近,但数量很少。皮内拉斯县警长办公室将对问题做出回应。