点评:This was expensive for a poorly designed and also poorly maintained mini zoo. Very difficult to see any kiwis with the nocturnal conditions they provide. For the rest of the facility there were mainly birds that were nothing special. The majority of them one can see in the wild.
I appreciate that there are always difficulties with providing a good natural habitat for the wildlife, but when charging the expensive fees this place did, one must also consider the needs of customers in being able to easily see the wildlife. I've been to zoos all over the world, and in this place it was extremely difficult to see much of the fauna in their cages. I estimately only saw under 50% of the wildlife. Despite searching very hard it took us less than 30 minutes to the entire facility.
I'd love to be more positive but given that there was quite a lot of staff floating around. But when one looks at some of the buildings and the overgrown cobwebs, and general tun-dien feel, it kind of gives the impression that customers are not their first priority. Giving me specifically traveled to this place to see kiwis, needless to say we were very disappointed.
我理解为野生动物提供良好的自然栖息地总是有困难的,但当收取昂贵的费用时,还必须考虑顾客的需求,以便能够轻松看到野生动物。我去过世界各地的动物园,在这个地方,很难看到笼子里的大部分动物。我估计只看到了不到 50% 的野生动物。尽管我们费了很大劲才走遍整个设施。