点评:Booked a tee time on 'golf now' for 18 holes before I had checked the actual course website. Was disappointed to find that it was actually a 9 hole course. Would have been nice to know this, however I was still looking forward to playing the course. I arrived 10 mins to 8 in the morning and there were no staff on site so couldn't get a scorecard or course map, Walked through to what we assumed was the first tee box (no hole markers at any of the holes) Tee'd off, only to find we were on the wrong tee. There were no yardage markers anywhere on the course and no signs to direct you to the next tee. Course wasn't in great condition. Some greens were poorly maintained and fairways hadn't been cut recently. Some greens had 2 pins on them, others didn't, with no way of knowing why.
Total waste of money, for the price you pay you can find much better courses in the area.
lesson learned, will not be back.
翻译:在查看实际球场网站之前,我在“高尔夫现在”上预订了 18 洞的开球时间。很失望地发现这实际上是一个 9 洞球场。如果知道这一点就好了,但是我仍然期待着打球。我早上 8 点差 10 分到达,现场没有工作人员,所以无法获得记分卡或球场地图,我们走到了我们认为是第一个发球台的地方(所有洞都没有洞标)开球,却发现我们走错了发球台。球场上任何地方都没有码数标记,也没有指示您前往下一个发球台的标志。球场状况不佳。一些果岭维护不善,球道最近没有修剪过。一些果岭上有 2 个球钉,其他没有,不知道原因。