点评:We stayed three nights at the Temple Gorge campground in order to visit the Park.. the campground was good - sites are well spaced, camp hosts are in place during the season: clean pit toilets, a communal fire pit. It is dusty and dry and water is in short supply so come prepared.
Access is via a 60 km unsealed road in good condition to the campground turnoff: the last couple of km into the campground was a bit rough but easily done at lower speed and with care.
A number of Park features are located at and near Temple Gorge, as well as several walking trails. Temple Gorge walk is an excellent 2km walk, Sunrise lookout a great spot early in the morning, Honeycomb Gorge easily accessed via the carpark or a return walk from temple Gorge campground is well worthwhile. And the Embankment Walk to the Cliff Lookout a bit of an adventure and quite stunning. Draper’s Gorge carpark kids a short drive away.
A great spot to visit.
翻译:为了参观公园,我们在 Temple Gorge 露营地住了三个晚上。露营地很不错 - 场地分布合理,营地主人在旺季都会到位:干净的坑式厕所,公共火坑。这里尘土飞扬且干燥,水资源短缺,所以请做好准备。
可通过一条 60 公里长的未铺砌道路进入露营地岔路:进入露营地的最后几公里路有点崎岖,但只要小心谨慎,以较低的速度行驶就可以轻松完成。
Temple Gorge 及其附近有许多公园景点,还有几条步行道。Temple Gorge 步道是一条 2 公里长的绝妙步道,日出观景台是清晨的绝佳地点,Honeycomb Gorge 可通过停车场轻松抵达,或者从 Temple Gorge 露营地返回的步行道非常值得一游。而从 Embankment 步行到 Cliff Lookout 则有点冒险,而且景色相当壮观。Draper’s Gorge 停车场距离这里只有很短的车程。