Not the best theater I've ever been to, but certainly not the worst.
Northern Jubilee Auditorium的点评
点评:I've been to the Jubilee twice in the last few months; in December for the Nutcracker Ballet and this month for the Don Giovanni Opera. The first thing you should know is that getting into the parking lot is an absolute nightmare. Get there at least an hour early because there's only one parking lot entrance and that theater seats a LOT of people. We waited to turn into the driveway for well over 20 minutes for the Nutcracker matinee. It wasn't quite as bad for the opera, which was on a Saturday night, but I'm still glad we were an hour early.
The venue itself is nice enough - the lobby is quite large with a well-staffed coat check and several bars. I find the bar set-up odd; my husband wanted wine and I wanted a cocktail so we had to go to two separate places. There must be a more efficient way to do that. Also, the bar serves drinks in glassware, but you must pour it into a plastic cup if you want to bring your drink into the theater which I find tacky and wasteful, not to mention noisy when people start playing with their empty cups. Either allow drinks inside or don't, but don't treat it like a frat party.
There are not nearly enough toilets, particularly for the ladies room, considering the average length of intermission. I spent the entire intermission in line at the Nutcracker (of course bearing in mind that there were hundreds of children in tights and fancy dresses, but that should be considered when timing out the performance.) and it wasn't much better at the Opera.
Finally the stairs are quite steep; I wore a floor-length dress that I had to hike almost to my knees in order to climb the stairs safely, so keep that in mind. Apparently there is an escalator, but I didn't see it.
翻译:在过去的几个月里,我已经去过银禧两次了。十二月的胡桃夹子芭蕾舞团和本月的唐璜歌剧院。您应该知道的第一件事是进入停车场绝对是一场噩梦。至少提前一小时到达那里,因为只有一个停车场入口,而且那个剧院可以容纳很多人。为了观看《胡桃夹子》的日场演出,我们等了 20 多分钟才拐进车道。对于星期六晚上的歌剧来说,情况并没有那么糟糕,但我仍然很高兴我们提前了一小时。
考虑到中场休息的平均长度,厕所几乎不够,特别是女厕所。整个中场休息时间我都在胡桃夹子剧院排队(当然要记住,有数百名穿着紧身衣和漂亮衣服的孩子,但在暂停表演时应该考虑到这一点。)而在歌剧院也好不到哪儿去。 。