点评:We camped at Pickeral Point Campground. We were in walk in site 171. (bring a wagon if you have any of the walk-in sites) It was a descent site, however there is a path to the next campsite 172. Every time I looked up, I felt like I was looking into their campsite. If you have friends in both sites, not a problem however, it was a little awkward with people we didn't know. There is a makeshift path to the water however, the water is shallow and full of weeds. I was hoping to get in a little fishing (and kayaking) from the site but access and weeds prevented that.
We had friends in site 100, 101 and 103. All were good. I would say 101 had the most privacy and nicest view. Site 100 had a nice view however, neighbors at 102 back window to their camper was directly next to 101 fire pit. Site 103 had more privacy as there were woods in between 103 and 101.
Bathrooms were new and clean. Hot showers at no cost.
翻译:我们在 Pickeral Point 露营地露营。我们走进 171 号营地。(如果您有任何一个走进的营地,请带上一辆货车)这是一个下坡营地,但是有一条通往下一个营地 172 的路。每次我抬头看时,我都觉得自己在看他们的营地。如果您在两个营地都有朋友,这不是问题,但是和我们不认识的人在一起有点尴尬。但是有一条通往水边的临时小路,水很浅,而且杂草丛生。我本来希望从营地钓鱼(和划皮划艇),但是进出和杂草阻碍了这一点。
我们在营地 100、101 和 103 都有朋友。所有营地都很好。我想说 101 拥有最私密和最美丽的景色。100 号营地的景色很好,但是 102 号营地的邻居露营车的后窗就在 101 号火坑旁边。 103 号地点更加私密,因为 103 号和 101 号之间有树林。