Visitor center is small, Niagara Springs was pretty
Thousand Springs State Park的点评
点评:At the visitor center in Haggerman a very nice, and talkative lady gave us directions to the places we wanted to visit and told us about all of them. The visitor center was a bit hard to find as their sign was hidden behind a growth of rushes. It was a small center with fossils that had been dug from the fossil beds nearby. You can buy a day pass there to go to the Thousand Springs park units (there are 5).
The Malad Gorge Unit reviewed elsewhere.
Niagara Springs Unit: The road down to Niagara Springs was gravel and steep but short, then at the bottom there was a paved section, then back to gravel before finally coming to the park entry kiosk. There was a grassy picnic area on one side of the road, near the river but you couldn’t see or access the river due to high foliage on the shore. On down the road it ended at Crystal Lake (on the left). The river was on the right but again you couldn’t see it. There were a couple small parking areas. Across the “lake” were the tall cliffs of basalt and water was gushing out in random places—hence the “springs” name of the park.
Note: the visitor center is not at any of the parks. The 5 park units are not next to each other.
翻译:在哈格曼的游客中心,一位非常友善、健谈的女士给我们指路,告诉我们我们想去的地方,并向我们介绍了所有地方。游客中心有点难找,因为他们的招牌隐藏在一片灯心草后面。这是一个小型中心,里面有从附近的化石床中挖出的化石。您可以在那里购买一日通行证,前往千泉公园单位(共有 5 个)。
尼亚加拉温泉单位:通往尼亚加拉温泉的道路是砾石路,很陡峭,但很短,然后在底部有一段铺好的路段,然后又回到砾石路,最后到达公园入口亭。路的一侧靠近河流,有一个长满草的野餐区,但由于岸边的树叶很高,您看不到或无法进入河流。沿着这条路走下去,它结束于水晶湖(在左边)。河在右边,但你还是看不到它。有几个小停车场。 “湖”对面是高耸的玄武岩悬崖,水从各个地方喷涌而出——因此公园得名“泉水”。
注意:游客中心不在任何公园内。5 个公园单元彼此不相邻。