点评:I’m a recently certified AIDA3 and was traveling through Turkey so i booked 4 coaching sessions with Life Aquatic.
Adnan is an amazing coach whose calm presence makes you feel comfortable and at ease. He offered customized pointers and targeted advice that I found extremely valuable. In some days, we worked on basics, such as improving my full lung breathe-up. On other days, we focused on troubleshooting / optimizing dives, such as paying attention to unnecessary air wastage during EQ on my FIM descent.
I would recommend joining one of his warmup sessions, if given the chance. Even though there is no shortage of diaphragmatic breathing and lung stretching exercises on YouTube, the physical presence of a good coach such as Adnan makes a difference.
Lastly, I want to say Adnan was very helpful (e.g. with travel information) even before we met. Thanks to him my transit to and around Kas was very smooth and stress-free!
翻译:我最近刚刚获得 AIDA3 认证,正在土耳其旅行,所以我预订了 Life Aquatic 的 4 节辅导课。
Adnan 是一位很棒的教练,他冷静的举止让你感到舒适和自在。他提供了定制的指示和有针对性的建议,我发现这些建议非常有价值。有些日子,我们练习基础知识,例如改善我的全肺呼吸。在其他日子里,我们专注于排除故障/优化潜水,例如在我的 FIM 下降期间注意 EQ 期间不必要的空气浪费。
如果有机会,我建议参加他的一次热身课程。尽管 YouTube 上不乏横膈膜呼吸和肺部伸展练习,但像 Adnan 这样的好教练的亲自到场会有所不同。
最后,我想说,在我们见面之前,Adnan 就非常有帮助(例如旅行信息)。多亏了他,我前往卡斯及其周边地区的交通非常顺利,没有压力!