点评:We took a 7-day trip in July from France: 2 couples (2x K2) and a 13-year-old (K1). It was an amazing experience with superb scenery. However, the weather conditions were not always ideal (fog, wind, rain). Just Breton weather! But the sunshine soon made up for these inconveniences. I'd particularly like to thank Kanotcenter: organizing our trip (booking, payment, email exchanges) was very easy: thank you Maëli! ; the equipment (kayaks and Premium pack for the bivouacs) was excellent (very comfortable, warm, safe...); the briefing at the start (thanks Teresa!!) was just perfect (in French !!) and very relevant to our expectations.
We were amazed at the freedom we had to go...wherever we wanted. Bivouac anywhere, what a luxury!
On the downside, I'm an experienced kayaker. Multi-day excursions require a bit of kayaking experience, including in uncomfortable conditions: wind, rain, waves. You also need to be used to navigating with a map and compass (but that's what's so great about this experience!) and have a group ready to help each other, especially in difficult moments (fatigue, sudden fog, etc.). But it's still a very accessible adventure, because you're never far from civilization (the islands are rarely very far from each other). We were virtually self-sufficient in food. We were right to do so, even if it is possible to stock up from time to time on certain islands. It's also easy to stock up on water.
We'll be back! But this time, I'd like to try some of the offshore islands to see some seals.
翻译:我们 7 月份从法国出发进行了为期 7 天的旅行:2 对夫妇(2 次 K2)和一名 13 岁的孩子(K1)。这是一次令人惊叹的体验,风景优美。然而,天气条件并不总是理想的(雾、风、雨)。只是布列塔尼的天气!但阳光很快就弥补了这些不便。我特别要感谢 Kanotcenter:组织我们的旅行(预订、付款、电子邮件交流)非常简单:谢谢 Maëli!;设备(皮划艇和露营的高级包)非常棒(非常舒适、温暖、安全……);开始时的简报(感谢 Teresa!!)非常完美(法语!!),非常符合我们的期望。