Lots of hills. You can't always see where your drive lands, but you are expected to play a 3.5 h round. or skip a hol
Shaker Hills Country Club的点评
点评:This place is such a great golf course, but!!!
We are four retired men who play down the middle and one plays from the senior tees.
When we were on the green most holes there was not players even on the tees behind us. The GPS in the carts asked us to catch up to the group in front of us. On the 14th an attendant politely asked us to pickup play. On 15 the Pro put us under his watchful eye.
We agreed to skip a hole. Yes you read that right, skip a hole.
After the round I dropped off my bag at my vehicle , the cart returned in the lower lot and went to the club house. Sipping a beer I see the group that was behind us coming off 18. Read other reviews and you will find that this is common.
当我们在果岭上时,大多数球洞都没有球员,甚至在我们后面的发球区也没有球员。球车上的 GPS 要求我们赶上我们前面的团队。14 号洞,一位服务员礼貌地要求我们继续打球。15 号洞,职业选手把我们置于他的监视之下。
打完一轮后,我把包放在车上,球车回到了下层停车场,然后去了俱乐部会所。我一边喝啤酒一边看到我们后面的一组人从 18 号洞下来。读读其他评论,你会发现这很常见。