点评:Absolutely marvellous!
The museum is a stunning combination of cutting-edge modernism and historic charm. Its sleek interiors, vibrant lights, and sleek black design elements seamlessly blend with the historic mill building, creating a truly unique and awe-inspiring experience. The way they've blended archaeology with the ultra-modern design of the museum is absolutely breathtaking! I have to say, it's even more impressive in retrospect, when I look at the photos. I've read reviews from people who weren't so enthusiastic, and I understand them, but I have to say, I was blown away! Anyway, it's pretty much perfect! Within the spaces that were available...
I would have loved to see more seating options. There were nice "education corners" on each floor where you could sit, and they were always buzzing with children. And even then, there were very few seats! I could have easily spent hours there but was tired after some time.
Some places included a digital magnifying glass. All I had to do was choose the exhibit number I wanted to look at more closely and I could see a magnified version on the screen.
The floors were connected by stairs and an elevator, which made the whole museum wheelchair friendly. The distances between the display cases were large enough, too.
Even the website is beautiful, tasteful and ultra modern!
The exhibition is divided into two parts, and both are absolutely amazing! On the first floor, you'll discover the incredible story of amber in nature. The second floor is where you'll find the fascinating history of amber in culture. And on the ground floor, you'll find temporary exhibitions that you won't want to miss!
The Amber Museum also includes an archaeological exhibition relating to the mill. It is very nicely integrated into the Amber Museum
There's a shop on the ground floor... The prices are fair and the amber items are clearly original. I just didn't find anything that really grabbed my attention and made me want to shout 'BUY ME, BUY ME!' Wouldn't it be great if there were also souvenirs in the style of something like a wooden museum building with some mini amber? There are some lovely, inexpensive souvenirs here.
I would love to see an audio guide app on my phone! Lots of people have headphones, so they could listen to the audio guide in their language. This would be a great way to avoid buying the HW, which can be expensive to maintain and replace.
我很想在手机上看到语音导游应用程序!很多人都有耳机,所以他们可以用自己的语言收听语音导游。这将是避免购买 HW 的好方法,因为 HW 的维护和更换成本很高。